Invent Idaho State Finals April 25-26, 2025 University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho
-Registration is Required–
by April 4, 2025
To register, navigate to zFairs at:
Participants must have qualified at one of 3 Regional Invent Idaho 2025 Competitions. NO walk-ins.
Logbook upload is Required

You are invited to attend University of Idaho Engineering EXPO in conjunction with the Invent Idaho State Finals 2025!
Optional: Friday, April 25, 2025 (9:00 am – Noon)
You are invited to attend the University of Idaho’s 32nd Annual Engineering Design EXPO, showcasing the U of I’s undergraduate engineering design innovations in the ICCU Arena.

Campus Map:
Click here to view a PDF version of the campus map.
Invent Idaho Invention Convention 2025
State Finals Event Schedule
- Friday, April 25 (All times are Pacific Daylight Time) –
- Invention Check-in: University of Idaho campus IRIC Building: Integrated Research and Innovation Center) in Moscow, ID
- Early bird check-in begins at ~1:00 pm
- Project Check-in closes at 5:00 pm
- 6:00 – 8:00 pm: In-person Inventor Oral Presentations to Judges
- Participants deliver a ~2 minute “pitch” of their invention to the judges followed by a few minutes of Q & A discussion with the judges
- Presentation times will be assigned after registration closes
Optional activities earlier on Friday, April 25 (times are tentative)
9:00 am – Noon: U of I’s Annual Engineering Design EXPO (in ICCU Arena) Come see the U of I’s undergraduate engineering students as they showcase their capstone design projects with novel innovations for solving real-world challenges!
~1:00 – 3:00 pm: Early Bird Project Check-in & Setup, and Ice Cream Social! Come set up early (if you can) and meet with other young inventors over ice cream!
3:00 – 5:00 pm: Invent Idaho Invention Showcase (open to the public) Inventors will informally showcase their inventions in a Mini-EXPO format!
Saturday, April 26
8:30 – 11 am Keynote Presentation & Awards Ceremony in the Pitman Center International Ballroom
Awards for Inventions
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd PLACE ribbons in every Grade Division & Category!
- 1st place medals and High School Champion Award
- BEST OF CATEGORY winners each receive a 2025 State Winner trophy and a science kit!
- BEST OF SHOW: Two Best of Show winners will each receive a trophy and a science kit.
- FREE Patent Search for one young inventor!
- $1000 scholarship to the University of Idaho sponsored by the College of Engineering
- Invitations to Nationals for selected inventions!
Notes: Awards are presented to the winning project. Duplicate awards are not provided for each team member, so please decide
ahead of time which partner receives the award. Note: a separate team of judges selects National attendees. Ribbon winners may or may not advance to Nationals. Students must do all work themselves, adult intervention for safety purposes
only. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will not receive an award. - NOTE: The National Invention Convention in Dearborn, Michigan, registration date for selected inventors is May 8–VERY soon after State, so if you are thinking you will go to Nationals IF your child is selected, talk to your family now, plan for the expense, and prepare your video now (see National FAQ https://inhub.thehenryford.org/icw/competitions/us-nationals-landing/invention-convention-us-nationals-faq
- Invent Idaho State Finals or EXPO questions contact: Dr. Matthew Swenson swenson@uidaho.edu
Logbook Examples:
High School National Winner:
National Notebook Top 25: https://national.inventionconvention.org/file/image/CD328312-6630-4CDD-B148-AFBCCA106925
National Invention Convention Best Notebook 2020 Julianna Schwam: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7g0lh6collwafx/Schwam%2C%20Julianna%281%29.pdf?dl=0
Pitch Video Examples:
Katherine |
Limb Regeneration Apparatus |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVdMAGuCjZk |
Lily |
Solar Lines |
https://youtu.be/Q78Jl7ffe7M |
Jolie |
Sleep-P-Safe |
https://youtu.be/E5661ne0Ay0 |
Amiah |
Flush Away Wash Away Germs |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfD7bMzzaPU |
Caleb |
Organ Printer |
https://youtu.be/g4tu4oaq_GU |
Vibodh |
Alzeron |
https://youtu.be/tDnZtg0_8DI |
Invent Idaho Judging Criteria Grades 1-8:

High School Judging Criteria Grades 9-12:
A. Clearly defined = +3 points
B. Why this problem was selected = +2 points
II. IDEATION = +10 points
A. Details numerous possible design solution ideas
III. RESEARCH = +15 points
A. Demonstrates new learning about the topic = +3 points
B. Includes interviews with target audience individuals prior to
solution creation = +5 points
C. Includes interviews with target audience individuals after
Production = +4 points
D. Identifies a mentor and delineates contributions provided by
Mentor = +3 points
+2 points
V. 3-D PROTOTYPE = +25
A. Initial design sketch included = +5 points
B. CAD (Computer Aided Design) Diagram included = +5 points
C. Working Model = +15 points Non-Working Model = + 5 points
A. Documents feedback from target audience about prototype
effectiveness and defects = +5 points
B. Shows evidence of redesign modifications based on tests and
Feedback = + 15 points
VII. ANALYSIS = +3 points
A. Documents higher level thinking to interpret feedback during
and after the process regarding benefits to society, effects
on the environment, technology that still needs to be
perfected for this invention to be produced, limitations for
potential markets, and other pertinent information.
VIII. SHARING = +20 points
A. Shows evidence of sharing with the community to build
Partnerships = +2 points
B. Provides a print advertisement of the product = + 2 points
C. Provides a professional looking, quality display documenting design process and
benefits of the invention = +8 points
D. Provides a video with a clear purpose, documenting the
design process and benefits of the invention = +8 points
Invent Idaho Rules:
The idea of the invention must be student initiated. Guidance* from parents, adults, or friends is acceptable but must be fully documented in the Inventor’s Journal. Student must do all work that he/she can safely do at the child’s age. The original idea must be the student’s own. Names and faces are permitted on display and in notebook with permission from adults.
- The overall theme of the invention must enhance the quality of life and be humane.
- Each invention must include a three-dimensional model, prototype, or the actual invention.
- A free-standing display (not wall poster) is required. Display must include name of invention, blueprints or diagram, goal or problem invention solves, and how the invention works or functions. Pictures or photos are encouraged.
- Cost of new materials is not to exceed $25.00 for the model or prototype. Display board and journal do not count in cost. Journal must document donated, borrowed, or repurposed materials and list costs of newly-purchased items. No receipts are needed.
- An Inventor’s Journal must accompany the invention. In the journal, students should document the inventing process from brainstorming through prototypes, and show how they have met the judging criteria. Neatly hand-written journals are encouraged.
- Inventions in any category may be entered by individuals or by teams of students. Mixed grade level teams must register in the grade division of the oldest member. No more than 4 students per team. Note: if selected to win an award, one award is presented to the PROJECT.
- Inventions from prior years will not be accepted.
- All inventions grades 1-8 will be judged by the same criteria. High school judging criteria are slightly modified to include a CAD drawing and a video.
- No weapons or weapon systems; defensive systems are acceptable.
- *NOTE: Students are expected to do all work themselves, except in issues of safety. Parent guidance is best done by asking questions—not doing it for the child. Plagiarism is not acceptable. Adult help must be documented.
GRADE DIVSIONS 1 & 2 3&4 5&6 7&8 9-12
Invent Idaho Categories:
All inventions may be conceived, designed, and entered by individuals or teams in any of the following categories. Note: One award is given to the PROJECT. Additional awards for teams may be purchased.
WORKING MODELS This category includes projects where students have produced a full-size or scaled working model or sample of the invention that really works. The invention must accomplish a state goal or purpose. Note: Size restrictions of models for National Invention Convention if qualified: 48” wide and 36” tall/ not encroach on other displays.
NON-WORKING MODELS This category is for inventions that would be too large, expensive, or technical to build. Entries in this category must be more than just a drawing; each entry must include a “blueprint” as well as a three-dimensional model or sample, which does not actually function.
ADAPTATIONS This is an invention, which takes an idea already in existence and improves upon it. A three-dimensional sample or model of the adaptation is required. “New and Improved!” is the slogan for these inventions.
GADGETS AND GAMES NEW! “Gadgets” are ingenious and novel devices or toys, for the purpose of entertainment, education, or amusement. This category also includes original board, computer, and other digitally-produced games, designed and programmed by the student inventor, as well as sports or athletic games and activities. Examples of all the above games and gadgets along with full directions for playing are required. Inventors must provide all necessary technology and equipment for judging, as well as devices to secure it.
JULES VERNE!! This category encompasses projects that would fit into any other category but are too futuristic or fanciful to be judged against more practical inventions. This is the futuristic category and will be judged heavily on originality and imagination. Future space, medical, and scientific inventions would be examples of projects for this category.
*All projects must be accompanied by a neat, fully detailed 8.5″ by 11″ drawing (or larger) and a 3-D model representing the invention idea. *Entrants are responsible for determining which category is the best fit for their invention. *An Inventor’s Journal must accompany every invention. This journal thoroughly details the entire invention process and documents the student’s journey from the idea’s conception, through various prototypes, to testing/revising and completed model. GRADE LEVEL DIVISIONS:
GRADES 1-2; GRADES 3 – 4; GRADES 5 – 6; GRADES 7 – 8
HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 9-12 *not subdivided into categories with less than 20 entries.